General Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Boynton Beach’

What’s Clogging My Drain?

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Clogged or slow drains are a major headache that most of us face at one time or another. Sometimes, the clogs are simple to get through using a plunger. Other clogs are much more obstinate—if you want them cleared away without causing any harm to the rest of your plumbing, and keep them from coming back, you’ll need the assistance of licensed, professional plumbers.

We offer expert drain cleaning in Boynton Beach to handle your clogged and slow drain woes. But let’s delve a bit more into what might be causing that clogged drain and why you’ll often need our assistance. 

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Repiping: Old Pipes to New Pipes in Your House

Monday, April 15th, 2024

If you live in a house built before the 1970s, there’s a high chance that your plumbing system is not up to modern standards. Here at General Plumbing and Air Conditioning, we have seen how outdated materials used in older plumbing systems can lead to problems that affect a home’s water quality, pressure, and even lead to costly leaks. Understanding the issues associated with old plumbing and considering whether to replace your pipes with newer material (repiping) is crucial for maintaining a working plumbing system.

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