Was This the Last Summer for Your AC?

September 18th, 2023
An old air conditioner unit, in need of updating, sitting in tall weeds

Air conditioning in Lake Worth, FL is something we have to think about all around the year. We don’t have long winter seasons where air conditioners stay off for months at a time—and this means our ACs accumulate plenty of wear and tear. 

As we move out of the summer and you won’t need your AC running as often, you may want to consider your AC’s condition. It won’t last forever, especially in the rigors of the Florida heat, and if it’s time to replace yours, the off-season is the best time to schedule it. We’ll go over questions to ask about your AC that will help you figure out if this was its last summer of cooling.

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How to Tell You Have a Slab Leak—And What to Do About It

September 4th, 2023

Slab leaks are one of the more serious problems you can have with your home’s plumbing. A slab leak is a type of pipe leak that occurs down in the foundation slab of your home. These leaks can add up to a great deal of water waste and eventual damage to your home’s foundation.

But how can you tell you have a slab leak if it’s buried out of sight under your home? That’s the tricky part. It takes professional plumbers to do slab leak detection in Lake Worth, FL and pinpoint the location of the leak so they can repair it. You’ll have to watch for warning signs of the problem so you’ll know when to reach out to experts. 

Below we’ll look at some of the ways you can notice that you may have a slab leak.

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Why Choose Us?

August 20th, 2023

Be sure to bookmark the General Plumbing and Air Conditioning blog to start learning the ins and outs of plumbing and HVAC.

We’ll regularly post energy-saving tips, how-to’s on troubleshooting your systems, and breakdowns on even the most complex industry-related terms and concepts.

Need help now? Send us a message or get in touch today.

Our first blog topic that we’ll choose is going to get at the heart of a lot of customer complaints. What differentiates a good plumber or AC technician from an amateur or a sub-par technician? The answer is complicated, and requires a lot of explanations, so we’ll try to break it down as simply and effectively as possible.

There are many aspects of service to evaluate from a customer’s perspective. There’s the responsiveness and ease of their phone lines and customer service. There’s the knowledge, experience, and professionalism of their technicians or plumbers. There’s even the price to consider, since some plumbers just cost too much money for certain budgets.

Once you weigh all of these factors, it’ll become very clear how we differentiate ourselves from other professionals in the area, and why you might be better off calling us each and every time.

We’re Known for Red Carpet Service

First, let’s start with our motto: “Red Carpet Service, Every Time.” What exactly does that mean and why do we say it so often?

Well, we like to use the phrase “rolling out the Red Carpet” because everyone usually understands this as premier service. Regardless of whether you’re paying $100 or $10,000 for our services, we will always treat you like one of our premier customers. This isn’t just for the sake of reviews, it also makes it easier for us to communicate clearly with customers if they feel like they’re being taken care of. Our Red Carpet Service is designed to make things as easy and simple as possible for you.

Experience and Craftsmanship

You might have noticed on other pages of our website that we’ve been in business for generations. Sure, we’ve changed personnel many times since then, but we’re still a family-owned and operated company with the same values that we’ve always had. Businesses like ours don’t stay in business due to sheer luck.

We’ve compiled our decades of industry experience as a tool to use for every customer that calls us. We’re never surprised with a unique situation or an out of the box solution. We’re experts, and you can bet that our craftsmanship is worth the cost.

Licensing, Insurance, and Background Checks

A lot of AC technicians can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? Licensing, insurance, and background checks are good ways to ensure that you’re not purchasing a service that you’ll regret.

We have to go through rigorous processes to get licensed and insured. This means you’ll never be held liable or responsible for any problems or injuries that happen with or on your property. Then we go the extra mile to background check our staff so we trust them.

Accurate Pricing and Trust

All of this sounds great until the bill comes. Any good plumber or AC technician will know to give you an accurate price before the work is done, so you’re not left holding a bill that you can’t afford. Nobody likes being in that situation, and we totally understand why.

So, our team prides itself on using diagnosis information to give you a price that’s accurate. The more accurate our price, the more likely you are to trust us and call us again for service in the future. Let us prove how good we are with our pricing and diagnoses by working with our team for your next job.

Schedule an appointment with General Plumbing and Air Conditioning! Red Carpet Service, Every Time.

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Welcome to Our Blog!

August 20th, 2023

When it comes to tricks of the trade, industry secrets, and posts about how to better clean up from your next big holiday meal, this is the spot.

Not all of our work involves elbow grease and plungers. In fact, we get a lot out of sharing knowledge with our customer base so they can be better homeowners. It’s easier for us to provide quality AC repairs for you, if you’ve done all you can to maintain the system and keep it running in good shape. This is a win-win for everyone involved!

So, we’re excited to start sharing knowledge with you on this blog. Be sure to check in on a regular basis so that you can have seasonally accurate information about air conditioning, plumbing, and even commercial services. We work hard to include sources for any of our factual claims, and you might even notice a joke or two every once in a while.

But no blog post will replace good old-fashioned AC or plumbing service when you need it.

Be sure to schedule repairs or new installations with the experts at General Plumbing and Air Conditioning, where you get Red Carpet Service, Every Time!

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